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Wasted in Space

by Waste of Space

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  • Old School Rythmn Rock n Roll

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Flames over Evermore

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Molten Manticore

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • We shred Motörhead

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Livin' the good Life

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Johnny be good

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • You'll never be done with me

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • My Lady is mean

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Waking up next to you again

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • I'll heal when i die

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Murderer

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

  • Dream of Liar

    Album: Wasted in Space |  Type: Rock n' fuckin Roll  |  Interpret:Waste of Space

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XX Aug
XX:XX pm


getting wasted in space oder im Concerto


XX Aug
XX:XX pm


Die Bierwochen sind eröffnet und Waste of Space spielt? oag,..


XX Jul
XX:XX pm
Cafe Carina

Waste of Space im Cafe Carina?

Waste of Space spielt im Cafe Carina ? poack i ja gor ned..


XX Sep
XX:XX pm

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Who We Are?

What do we do?

we play rock n' fucking roll.

Why choose us?

we play rock n' fucking roll.

Who are we?

we play rock n' fucking roll.

Laslo Nadj


Marcus Dittrich


Baby Bass Bella


Marion Hatwagner

Drums & Percussion